WinDaq Data Acquisition Software
For DI-720, DI-730 and DI-740 Parallel Port Instruments
The file you are about to download can be used to install either WinDaq/Pro, WinDaq/Pro+, or WinDaq/Lite recording software. WinDaq/Pro and WinDaq/Pro+ are password protected. You must provide a password during the installation procedure to install either of these software packages. If you do not have a password submit a support ticket online with your original order number, device serial number, and company name.
These files support all DI-720, DI-730 and DI-740 instruments using the parallel (printer) port communications interface.
The following file is a self-extracting executable, simply click on it to start the download process. Create a new directory on your hard disk named disk1 and place the downloaded file in this new directory. When the download is complete, run the executable (the .exe file) to extract the individual program files.
Please Note: WinDaq Pro and Pro+ passwords allow you to download and install the latest version of the software for one year (from the date of purchase). After one year, you must purchase an upgrade ($200) in order to install the latest version.
Note: Be sure to completely UNINSTALL WinDaq software before installing this upgrade.
DI-720, DI-730 or DI-740 parallel port