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WinDaq® Software Changes

WinDaq Acquisition Software Changes

Version Date Description of new feature
2.41 12/23/99 File > Freeze function added while in Record mode. Stops recording and opens WinDaq Playback software to allow for calibration adjustments to WinDaq Acquisition. Also allows you to view event marks and timestamps.
2.45 5/4/00 Options > Grid Spacing function added. Allows vertical spacing of grid lines to be set (pixels).
2.51 8/10/00 Edit > Preferences > Broadcast Sync Messages function added. Broadcast messages from a "master" WinDaq installation to allow other WinDaq installations, running simultaneously, to start and stop recording in unison.
2.52 9/18/00 Edit > Preferences > Exit on Full function added. Allows you to close WinDaq software once a recording session is complete.
2.70 5/15/02 Edit > Preferences > Allow Relative Calibration function added. Simplifies the calibration of sensors/transducers when using a custom full scale range DI-722 or DI-5B module previously calibrated in volts.
2.74 10/24/02 Option to select a thermocouple type for the DI-1000TC under Channel Settings added.

Channel selection grid for DI-1000TC products enhanced.
2.81 2/8/03 Units/Division function added. Set and display vertical units per division (Units/Div) and the baseline value.
2.85 7/24/03 RMS and Frequency Acquisition Methods added to the Channel Settings menu.

Frequency option allows level, slope and window size settings to acquire frequency.

RMS Window Size option allows window size setting to acquire RMS data.
2.93 5/3/04 Allows the WinDaq display to remain unchanged when minimizing or re sizing the window.
2.97 6/28/04 Help > Unlock WinDaq/HS function added. Allows activation of high speed data acquisition (for DI-710, DI-715B, DI-148, and DI-158 products only).
3.16 4/12/06 View > Add ons added to the WinDaq menu. Allows add on to be spawned from the acquisition software (including WinDaq/XL). See the Add ons page for more information.
3.19 8/31/06 Synchronization capability added for ENB products.
Crash Guard added. Capability to save and restore Event Markers and Comments following a crash.
3.24 4/20/07 Triggered Mode works for ENB products.
Ability to acquire data in LPT mode using dual core processors.
3.28 2/21/08 Item added to Edit > Skip Factor for real or virtual COM port devices.
If  File > Open Reference File has only 1 pt per channel the default size is left alone.
Edit > Channel Settings recognizes ± 20 Volt range for new version DI-722 devices.
Help > About shows "WinDaq HiRes Acquisition" for HiRes application.
3.38 6/9/10 64-bit and 32-bit certified drivers available
3.48 9/23/11 Edit > Maximum USB Burst Rate for DI-149 starter kits. Controls throughput in slower systems.
3.54 3/29/12 Wheel mouse controls added.
   Ctrl + roll out to grow waveform.
   Ctrl + roll in to shrink waveform.
   Hold Shift key and Click+Drag mouse to offset waveform without drawing a box.
3.60 6/28/12 Edit > EU Settings provides a new EU Settings dialog box. Replaces old High/Low and Fixed Calibration methods. View Demo
3.64 1/30/13 Acquisition method RMS supported for multiple channels.
3.70 5/28/13 Edit > EU Settings supports Entineering Unit tags to 6 characters.
3.72 10/19/13 File > Export to Excel feature added.
3.96 12/17/15 Scaling digital plot fixed in HiRes files for overlapping screen formats.
Edit > Sample Rate Rates of .9999, .09999, .009999 show as zero.
File > Close Enable Edit Channel Settings.
Edit > Channel Settings Fix acquisition method frequency for multiple channels.
File > Open Works correctly with period in base filename.
3.67 5/5/16 Source code split to support products that support syncronization, revision levels changed to reflect the split.
Maximum device burst rate - edit preference for libusb-win32 devices.
3.75 1/16/17 ChannelStretch feature added for devices that support syncronization.
3.87 6/8/17 View Assign Strip=0 now clears if Strip > the number of channels enabled.
File > Open Reference File works with DI-149 rate channel enabled.
View > Toolbox Works with devices supporting ChannelStretch.
3.93 11/20/17 WinDaq Dashboard Starts WinDaq with option for ChannelStretch.
3.97 7/31/18 Edit > Sample Rate Below 40 Hz/channel, acquisition method "Filter" was noisy.
Notify Add-ons when Edit > Enable Channels selection changes. Notify Add-ons on File >> Open Reference File.
Help > About Lists SDK Version for libusb-win32 devices.
4.11 1/9/20 Add CJC calibration for DI-2008
4.18 2/28/23 Use HTML help if internet available.


WinDaq Playback (WWB) Software Changes

Version Date Description of new feature
1.82 2/8/99 Edit > User Annotation function added. Allows user annotation to be edited channel by channel.
1.97 2/24/00 Edit > Transfer Calibration function added. Allows transfer (import) of calibration information from a previously recorded WinDaq file into the currently open file.

Edit > Restore Calibration function added. Allows the user to revert back to the actual input voltage values after a channel has been calibrated to display engineering units.
1.99 5/4/00 Options > Grid Spacing function added. Allows vertical spacing of grid lines to be set (pixels).
2.06 12/20/00 When exporting data - Ctrl+Q inserts a time and date stamp in "comments" that corresponds to the position of the cursor.

Statistics for all channels are written to a user specified file when no channel is chosen using View Statistics.
2.15 11/1/01 Allows WinDaq/XL to run in normal display mode (previous versions only allowed WinDaq/XL in XY mode).
2.21 10/14/02 Option to include event mark information in Spreadsheet Comments window added.

Option to convert from Spreadsheet Print to CODAS format with user specified limits for each channel in convert.exe application.
2.24 12/2/02 Optional Time/Div field display available.
2.26 2/6/03 Extra columns added to Spreadsheet Print files for points with event markers.

Next (channel) and Previous (channel) buttons added to Statistics window.

Next (channel) and Previous (channel) buttons added to Limits window.

Next (channel) and Previous (channel) buttons added to Fixed Calibration window.

Save As window outputs all values when using compressed option.

Units/Division function added. Set and display vertical units per division (Units/Div) and the baseline value.

Allows CALC function in the Save As window on a compressed file when the Output all values when compressed box is checked.
2.33 11/18/03 User Annotation option added to DADiSP comments.
2.38 3/1/05 New commands open file with next numeric tail.

File Save All, Open Next command added; File Save Cal, Open Next command added; File No Save, Open Next command added.
2.39 4/22/05 Support to playback Stand-alone data logger recordings using Remote Start/Stop and Remote Event (WWB for MMC).
2.46 4/3/06 Search > Go to Time now accepts seconds values with a decimal point.
Capability to work via Windows XP remote desktop connection.
Capability added to allow viewing annotation for read-only files.
2.49 8/31/06 Synchronized playback capability added (WWB Navigator).
Capability to view markers in file being acquired by WinDaq.
Ability to recover event markers and comments after crash.
2.52 2/21/08 File > Save As > Format 7) uses DADiSP V6 Series # for channels with no annotation.
Recognize ± 20 Volt range for new version DI-722 devices.
File > Save As > Format A) - fixed incorrect statistics in nSoft DAC files.
2.59 3/21/09 File > Save As > Format 5) - Added date and time checkbox for spreadsheet print export for date and time stamp.
2.76 3/29/12 Wheel mouse controls added.
   Ctrl + roll out to grow waveform.
   Ctrl + roll in to shrink waveform.
   Hold Shift key and Click+Drag mouse to offset waveform without drawing a box.
2.78 6/28/12 Edit > EU Settings provides a new EU Settings dialog box. Replaces old High/Low and Fixed Calibration methods. View Demo

Edit > Reset EU resets engineering units back to input levels.
2.83 3/15/13 File > Save As from WDC, fix calibration from .WDC in formats 2 and 8.

File Open conversions, make CONVERT & CONVERTH 32-bit for 64-bit OS.
2.84 5/23/13 Edit > EU Settings supports Engineering Unit tags to 6 characters.

Edit >EU Settings HiRes avoid "Input Level is saturated" messages.
2.94 6/17/15 View > Channel Settings Rates of .9999, .09999, .009999 show as zero.
View > Channel Settings Correct rate chan input levels on libusb devs.
View > Event Markers Don't show libusb-win32 remote bits as spikes.
File > Print Disable optimizations that can cause a crash.
2.99 3/30/17 View > Channel Settings Display input levels for libusb-win32 devices.
3.07 1/21/20 Add Fahrenheit button for DI-245 and 2008 TC
3.11 2/15/23 Use HTML help if internet available
3.12 9/24/23 Add spreadsheet comment "Row Interval" option check box